Club Start-up Information

Clubs on campus greatly enrich the student and staff experience by providing extracurricular activities and social interaction with people who have similar interests.  In advance, the office of Student Activities thanks you for your time and effort in this endeavor. 

In order to start your club:

In addition to creating the documents listed above:

Your club is required to have a faculty advisor.  Please note that your faculty advisor MUST be involved in the club!  After you have written a club constitution and located an advisor for your club, submit a copy of your club’s constitution, college alignment form and roster to the SGO Office, for review and approval by the SGO Executive Board. 

PLEASE NOTE: it may take five to ten working days for the submitted constitution to be approved.  Your patience in this matter is greatly appreciated. 

If the club is approved:

The Student Activities Office will create a club account.  The club will be given $50.00 for start-up money.  This money can be used by the club for publicity, food, activities, etc.  Feel free to stop by SGO office and let us know how you are doing, and if there is anything that we can do to help your club.  

Be advised that SGO will be holding events throughout the year that can greatly benefit your club, such as the Club’s Fair, Presidents Meetings, and SGO Carnival.  Your involvement not only benefits your club, participation is also seen as a responsibility of clubs on campus, and as a service to the students here at RFK.  Attendance at these functions is strongly suggested, as it is a great opportunity to publicize your club.  These functions are designed to help your club recruit new members. 

PLEASE NOTE: Clubs on campus are for the betterment of students here at RFK.  Clubs are student based and should be considered non- profit organizations.  Please remember your club will represent RFK.  Please keep all club related materials appropriate and non-offensive.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns:

Please feel free to contact the Coordinator of Student Activities in room 015, at Ext. 5015 or via e-mail at or