The RFK English Language Arts program is designed to develop and nurture a community of readers and writers. ELA teachers strive to enhance students' love of reading and make the connection between literature and life. Students also are given the opportunity to improve their abilities to read non-fictional texts. All ELA courses are aligned with the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards and integrate reading, writing, listening, and speaking/presentation skills. The ELA teachers are dedicated to the achievement of excellence and are continually enhancing our students' appreciation of multicultural and contemporary literature.
Students must earn eight credits of English over the course of their high school careers, and they typically earn one credit each semester. To address the diverse interests, needs and abilities of our students, the ELA Department offers a range of required and elective courses. We offer the following courses: English 1-8, English 5/6 Pre-AP/Honors, Advanced Placement Language and Composition, Advanced Placement Literature and Composition (for college credit), Leadership & Publications.
See Next Generation Learning Standards: https://www.nysed.gov/curriculum-instruction/new-york-state-next-generation-english-language-arts-learning-standards