RFK Athletics
Fall Sports (Aug-Nov)
Bowling (co-ed) - Mr. Kim
Cross Country (co-ed) - Mr. Cohen
Fencing (co-ed) - Mr. Lopez
Soccer (girls) - Mr. Tyler
Soccer (boys) - Mr. Wierzbicki
Tennis (girls) - Mr. Korniewicz
Volleyball (girls) - Mr. Mulstay
Winter Sports (Nov-Mar)
Basketball (boys) - Mr. Wierzbicki
Basketball (girls) - Mr. Woodhouse
Co-Ed Wrestling - Mr. Weeks
Spring Sports (Mar-May)
Baseball (boys) - Mr. Wierzbicki and Mr. Tyler
Softball (girls) - Mr. Mulstay
Golf (co-ed) - Mr. Mora (bmora@schools.nyc.gov)
Required Prior to Participation:
Please direct any general questions to Mr. Grossman
Complete information at the top of the form in pen.
PARENT initials should be placed in pen after each of the 13 statements.
Parent should print AND sign name and date.
Medical provider should complete page 3, stamp, sign and date and student should return form.
Academic Requirements
Passed 5 classes + phys ed/ health on most recent report card
Earned 10 credits since January 2023 (N/A to 9th grade)